Foot exercises are very effective in restoring and preventing almost all modern foot problems. Just as diet and exercise are the most effective methods of preventing and treating all lifestyle diseases.
Besides the extensive experience we have through follow-up gait analysis using plantar pressure plates, there is a lot of research showing significant improvements in foot function using exercises.
One study done in 2015 showed that only by using the toe-splay exercise which we have in our workshops, participants were able to improve the angle of the great toe and increase muscles strength and size of the big toe muscle abductor hallicus longus. This muscle is responsible for actively keeping the big toe in its correct alignment.
We use numerous different to splay / spread exercises within our workshops which are progressive so that you keep improving in the long run. Many exercises are not done progressively or consistently enough to encourage enough development. To follow a progressive program, we recommend our fix your feet workshop found here.
Read the full article here.
Kim, Moon-Hwan et al. “Effect of toe-spread-out exercise on hallux valgus angle and cross-sectional area of abductor hallucis muscle in subjects with hallux valgus.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 27,4 (2015)
Toe strength & forefoot related pain
Stronger feet improves strength!