Metatarsalgia Workshop
Metatarsalgia is a condition that affects the forefoot/ball of the foot whereby there is a consistent overuse of that area due to structural deformities and weakness in the toes and other parts of the foot. Symptoms include sharp pain, burning sensation, swelling, callous formation under the metatarsal heads and the feeling of walking on "pebbles".
Many who think they have Metatarsalgia may suffer from Morton's Neuroma which is where a nerve commonly between the 2-3rd or 3-4th metatarsals gets "pinched" usually causing sharp and/or burning pain.
Whichever you are suffering from this workshop is designed specifically to improve the function of the metatarsals and other parts of the foot such as the toes that may be attributing factors to the overuse of this area of the foot. Our instructor will guide you through self assessments, specific and progressively structured exercises and programs to improve and prevent this condition in an effective manner.Â
The workshop includes the following content:
- Introduction to the workshop & your instructor
- What is Metatarsalgia & Morton's Neuroma
- Pathophysiology and Rehabilitation Time
- Guided assessments
- Primary rehabilitation exercisesÂ
- Preventative & progressive exercises
- Useful functional tools
Metatarsalgia is a condition that affects the forefoot/ball of the foot whereby there is a consistent overuse of that area due to structural deformities and weakness in the toes and other parts of the foot. Symptoms include sharp pain, burning sensation, swelling, callous formation under the metatarsal heads and the feeling of walking on "pebbles".
Many who think they have Metatarsalgia may suffer from Morton's Neuroma which is where a nerve commonly between the 2-3rd or 3-4th metatarsals gets "pinched" usually causing sharp and/or burning pain.
Whichever you are suffering from this workshop is designed specifically to improve the function of the metatarsals and other parts of the foot such as the toes that may be attributing factors to the overuse of this area of the foot. Our instructor will guide you through self assessments, specific and progressively structured exercises and programs to improve and prevent this condition in an effective manner.Â
The workshop includes the following content:
- Introduction to the workshop & your instructor
- What is Metatarsalgia & Morton's Neuroma
- Pathophysiology and Rehabilitation Time
- Guided assessments
- Primary rehabilitation exercisesÂ
- Preventative & progressive exercises
- Useful functional tools
Once purchased, you'll enjoy continuous updates and the flexibility to revisit whenever you desire. You will receive an email with more information on how to access your workshop. This workshop does not expire.
Simply use the same email address to log into our app and access all the resources you need.
Once purchased, you'll enjoy continuous updates and the flexibility to revisit whenever you desire. You will receive an email with more information on how to access your workshop. This workshop does not expire.
Simply use the same email address to log into our app and access all the resources you need.
While tools aren't required, our Core Essentials and Premium Essentials bundles are perfect for enhancing your workshop experience.
Enjoy significant savings with these bundles and start your workshop within 6 hours of registering on the appâno waiting for tools to arrive!
Just ensure your app registration email matches the email used for ordering.
While tools aren't required, our Core Essentials and Premium Essentials bundles are perfect for enhancing your workshop experience.
Enjoy significant savings with these bundles and start your workshop within 6 hours of registering on the appâno waiting for tools to arrive!
Just ensure your app registration email matches the email used for ordering.
Our workshops cater to individuals ranging from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Designed to allow you to start at your current level of health and fitness, catering to all your needs, be it to rehabilitate pain and injury or improve strength, stability and mobility.
*If you've found a workshop that is more suitable to your needs, we will be happy to change your workshop free of charge within 7 days of purchase.
Our workshops cater to individuals ranging from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Designed to allow you to start at your current level of health and fitness, catering to all your needs, be it to rehabilitate pain and injury or improve strength, stability and mobility.
*If you've found a workshop that is more suitable to your needs, we will be happy to change your workshop free of charge within 7 days of purchase.
Step 1.
Download our app, "Foot Function."
Download here
Step 2.
Create an account on the App using the same email address & a password of your choice.
*If you already have an account, please allow us up to 8 hours to add your workshop(s) to your account.
Step 1.
Download our app, "Foot Function."
Download here
Step 2.
Create an account on the App using the same email address & a password of your choice.
*If you already have an account, please allow us up to 8 hours to add your workshop(s) to your account.
Metatarsalgia Workshop
Metatarsalgia is a condition that affects the forefoot/ball of the foot whereby there is a consistent overuse of that area due to structural deformities and weakness in the toes and other parts of the foot. Symptoms include sharp pain, burning sensation, swelling, callous formation under the metatarsal heads and the feeling of walking on "pebbles".
Many who think they have Metatarsalgia may suffer from Morton's Neuroma which is where a nerve commonly between the 2-3rd or 3-4th metatarsals gets "pinched" usually causing sharp and/or burning pain.
Whichever you are suffering from this workshop is designed specifically to improve the function of the metatarsals and other parts of the foot such as the toes that may be attributing factors to the overuse of this area of the foot. Our instructor will guide you through self assessments, specific and progressively structured exercises and programs to improve and prevent this condition in an effective manner.Â
The workshop includes the following content:
- Introduction to the workshop & your instructor
- What is Metatarsalgia & Morton's Neuroma
- Pathophysiology and Rehabilitation Time
- Guided assessments
- Primary rehabilitation exercisesÂ
- Preventative & progressive exercises
- Useful functional tools
Metatarsalgia is a condition that affects the forefoot/ball of the foot whereby there is a consistent overuse of that area due to structural deformities and weakness in the toes and other parts of the foot. Symptoms include sharp pain, burning sensation, swelling, callous formation under the metatarsal heads and the feeling of walking on "pebbles".
Many who think they have Metatarsalgia may suffer from Morton's Neuroma which is where a nerve commonly between the 2-3rd or 3-4th metatarsals gets "pinched" usually causing sharp and/or burning pain.
Whichever you are suffering from this workshop is designed specifically to improve the function of the metatarsals and other parts of the foot such as the toes that may be attributing factors to the overuse of this area of the foot. Our instructor will guide you through self assessments, specific and progressively structured exercises and programs to improve and prevent this condition in an effective manner.Â
The workshop includes the following content:
- Introduction to the workshop & your instructor
- What is Metatarsalgia & Morton's Neuroma
- Pathophysiology and Rehabilitation Time
- Guided assessments
- Primary rehabilitation exercisesÂ
- Preventative & progressive exercises
- Useful functional tools
Once purchased, you'll enjoy continuous updates and the flexibility to revisit whenever you desire. You will receive an email with more information on how to access your workshop. This workshop does not expire.
Simply use the same email address to log into our app and access all the resources you need.
Once purchased, you'll enjoy continuous updates and the flexibility to revisit whenever you desire. You will receive an email with more information on how to access your workshop. This workshop does not expire.
Simply use the same email address to log into our app and access all the resources you need.
While tools aren't required, our Core Essentials and Premium Essentials bundles are perfect for enhancing your workshop experience.
Enjoy significant savings with these bundles and start your workshop within 6 hours of registering on the appâno waiting for tools to arrive!
Just ensure your app registration email matches the email used for ordering.
While tools aren't required, our Core Essentials and Premium Essentials bundles are perfect for enhancing your workshop experience.
Enjoy significant savings with these bundles and start your workshop within 6 hours of registering on the appâno waiting for tools to arrive!
Just ensure your app registration email matches the email used for ordering.
Our workshops cater to individuals ranging from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Designed to allow you to start at your current level of health and fitness, catering to all your needs, be it to rehabilitate pain and injury or improve strength, stability and mobility.
*If you've found a workshop that is more suitable to your needs, we will be happy to change your workshop free of charge within 7 days of purchase.
Our workshops cater to individuals ranging from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Designed to allow you to start at your current level of health and fitness, catering to all your needs, be it to rehabilitate pain and injury or improve strength, stability and mobility.
*If you've found a workshop that is more suitable to your needs, we will be happy to change your workshop free of charge within 7 days of purchase.
Step 1.
Download our app, "Foot Function."
Download here
Step 2.
Create an account on the App using the same email address & a password of your choice.
*If you already have an account, please allow us up to 8 hours to add your workshop(s) to your account.
Step 1.
Download our app, "Foot Function."
Download here
Step 2.
Create an account on the App using the same email address & a password of your choice.
*If you already have an account, please allow us up to 8 hours to add your workshop(s) to your account.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, our workshops cater to individuals of all levels, including beginners. Each workshop is designed with clear instructions and progressive exercises to accommodate those who are new to the subject matter.
Yes, our workshops cater to individuals of all levels, including beginners. Each workshop is designed with clear instructions and progressive exercises to accommodate those who are new to the subject matter.
There are no knowledge or experience prerequisites for joining the workshop.
Some exercises require tools, but you can complete the whole workshop without any tools. However, using the recommended tools enhances your workshop experience and can provide additional benefits and more progress.
There are no knowledge or experience prerequisites for joining the workshop.
Some exercises require tools, but you can complete the whole workshop without any tools. However, using the recommended tools enhances your workshop experience and can provide additional benefits and more progress.
Absolutely! Our workshops offer various opportunities for interaction, including discussion forums, live Q&A sessions, and collaborative features. Engage with instructors and fellow participants to ask questions, share insights, and receive personalized feedback.
Absolutely! Our workshops offer various opportunities for interaction, including discussion forums, live Q&A sessions, and collaborative features. Engage with instructors and fellow participants to ask questions, share insights, and receive personalized feedback.
Our workshops are carefully structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience. They typically include instructional videos, written materials, exercises, and supplementary resources. Each workshop is organized into logical sections, guiding you through the content in a clear and systematic manner.
Our workshops are carefully structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience. They typically include instructional videos, written materials, exercises, and supplementary resources. Each workshop is organized into logical sections, guiding you through the content in a clear and systematic manner.
Starting January 2024, our workshops now offer lifetime access.
Starting January 2024, our workshops now offer lifetime access.