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Research papers

Barefoot vs common footwear: A systematic review

Barefoot vs common footwear: A systematic review

Habitual footwear use has been reported to influence foot structure with an acute exposure being shown to alter foot position and mechanics. The foot is highly specialised thus these changes in structure/ position could influence functionality. This review aims to...

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Investigations into the Fat Pads of the Sole of the Foot

Investigations into the Fat Pads of the Sole of the Foot

The fat pads of the heel have a structure that is optimized for load bearing. In various diseases and aging, the load· carrying ability of the heel pad is clinically impaired. The loading pattern was examined in subjects having normal...

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Pathomechanics of Structural Foot Deformities

Pathomechanics of Structural Foot Deformities

This article presents the most common structural foot deformities encountered in clinical practice. The deformities are defined, and the expected compensations at the subtalar joint (STJ) are described. The theoretical consequences of the STJ compensations on proximal and distal tissues...

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The Jargon of Pedal Movements - definition of terms

The Jargon of Pedal Movements - definition of terms

Background: All areas of research have their own special- ized terms. Typically jargon is used as a short cut among specialists to convey complex ideas with a few brief words or phrases. Several jargons traditionally have been used to describe...

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Malalignment Syndrome in Runners - Wolf Schamberger

Malalignment Syndrome in Runners - Wolf Schamberger

KEY POINTS  Understanding malalignment is essential for those caring for runners; approximately 80% have pelvic malalignment, which can mimic, hide, overlap with, trigger or aggravate other medical conditions.  Malalignment syndrome includes the biomechanical changes, abnormal stresses, and re- sulting signs/symptoms...

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The feet of the industrial worker - E. P. CATHCART, M.D

The feet of the industrial worker - E. P. CATHCART, M.D

At a meeting of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers, held on Oct. 28th at the London School of Hygiene, the feet of the industrial worker were considered from various aspects-viz., Physio-logical, Functional, Clinical, Remedial, and Industrial.  Click here for full PDF

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Minimalist shoes running intervention can alter the plantar loading

Minimalist shoes running intervention can alter the plantar loading

Hallux valgus (HV) is one of the most common deformities to the human foot [1]. A wider forefoot is exhibited through a lateral devia- tion (abduction) of the hallux with a corresponding medial deviation (adduction) of the first metatarsal (M1)....

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Feet and Footwear: Applying Biological Design and Mismatch

Feet and Footwear: Applying Biological Design and Mismatch

The Endurance-Running hypothesis proposes that natu- ral selection has shaped humans into endurance-running specialists. Running-related-injury rates between 20-79% suggests modern humans are prone to injury in this spe- cies-specific movement pattern. This opinion piece offers a novel perspective on high-injury...

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Evaluation and Management of Foot and Ankle Disorders

Evaluation and Management of Foot and Ankle Disorders

Thomas G. McPoil, PhD, PT, ATC ' Gary C. Hunt, MA, PT, OCS * Recent research has raised serious concerns regarding the reliability and validity of the evaluation and treatment scheme proposed by Root et al. Although the Root et a1...

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