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Human fossil footprints

Human fossil footprints

In southern New Mexico lies the Tularosa Basin, an oblong bowl that’s home to a natural sandbox: White Sands National Park. In 2005, David Bustos came to White Sands to work as a National Park Service biologist. The following year, he took notice of odd animal footprints that would appear only when the ground was wet. (The first of these footprints was reported in the 1930s.) The markings, which would disappear as the earth dried up, became known as ghost tracks. Then in 2009, Bustos came across tracks he thought belonged to ancient humans walking alongside mammoths. But few scientists...

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Flat feet, acquired or genetic?

Flat feet, acquired or genetic?

"Flat" Foot is commonly misdiagnosed. Very few people statistically are born with this type of foot. And those who are do not necessarily present any problems. The weak or collapsed foot, looks very similar at first glance, but is not natural.  Many are told that nothing can be done, and are recommended orthotics for life.  Through experience we know that this is certainly not the case. Fortunately there are more studies looking at the use of exercises in the treatment of foot problems. Three recent studies in 2015-2019 found significant improvements in symptoms foot posture, arch strength, toe strength and more...

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Activate your feet before moving!

Activate your feet before moving!

One of the most common protocols we use on clients is foot exercises first thing in the morning or prior to any activities, why? Foot exercises have an acute effect on how active the muscles of the foot are, making the foot more capable of bearing the higher loads and forces in activities, reducing risk of injury! A study done in 2016 used 3 exercises that we commonly prescribe, found significantly higher activation in almost all intrinsic foot muscles.  We provide clear and concise guides with detailed video based exercises and programs in our workshops, useful for anyone that is...

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Stronger feet improves strength!

Stronger feet improves strength!

Are you looking to improve your performance? A study done in 2014 by Hashimoto et. al. found that strength training for the intrinsic muscles of the foot, resulted in reduced 50m dash times, significantly longer jumps and higher vertical jumps! This is why we implement a focus of foot core training in our "Fix Your Feet" Online workshop. This will significantly improve your foots reactive ability. Regardless if you are looking to improve performance in sports or not, who doesn't want a better performing foot? When hiking or doing whatever you love to do! Read the full article here. Source:...

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