My Foot Function
My Foot Function
Comprehensive Assessment Effective Treatment Clinical Confidence Practical Education Proven Methods Real-World Application Successful Outcomes Evidence-Based Education
CPD-APPROVED From January 2025 our certifications qualify for CPD points.
LIFETIME ACCESS Enjoy this education material for as long as you require, it is yours forever.
FREE FUTURE UPDATES We update our material regularly, you will have access to all future updates.
CPD-APPROVED From January 2025 our certifications qualify for CPD points.
LIFETIME ACCESS Enjoy this education material for as long as you require, it is yours forever.
FREE FUTURE UPDATES We update our material regularly, you will have access to all future updates.
Dr. Donald Powell, DPM, D.ABFAS, FACFAS
Konstantin YAGODKIN
  • 19:30 CET - Zoom

    Discussion: Coach Meet

    Live online & recorded for later viewing.
  • 19:30 CET - Zoom

    Discussion: Coach Meet

    Live online & recorded for later viewing.
  • 07:30 CET - Zoom

    Discussion: Coach Meet

    Live online & recorded for later viewing.
  • 19:30 CET - Zoom

    Discussion: Coach Meet

    Live online & recorded for later viewing.
  • 19:30 CET - Zoom

    Discussion: Coach Meet

    Live online & recorded for later viewing.
Vad är skillnaden mellan de olika fotfunktionscertifieringarna?
Vem kan dra nytta av dessa certifieringar?
Behöver jag tidigare erfarenhet eller kvalifikationer för att registrera mig?
Vilka lärresurser finns tillgängliga?
Är certifieringarna erkända internationellt?
Kan jag få tillgång till kursmaterial efter att ha genomfört certifieringen?
Finns det löpande support tillgängligt efter att du har genomfört certifieringen?
Hur kan jag anmäla mig till certifieringsprogrammet?