Here’s why our customers love the Flat Foot Bundle:


The difference 1 year can make!

One of our followers sent us these incredible comparison images, in just 1 short year these feet have changed in both shape and function.

With just barefoot walking, running, functional shoes & as she puts it “most importantly” exercises she gained from us.


“I operated on the left foot (bunion) in October 2021 & then they said it was only a matter of time before it was time for the right foot.

After that I mostly used shoes with a wider toe box but nothing else beyond that. At the beginning of September this year, I got toe separators and have had them basically 24/7 since then.”


I macerated my posterior tibial tendon and was given nothing but a brace and a pat on the back by my healthcare provider. No rehab, nothing. With this program I can feel my condition finally improving.


"I started to stay barefoot at home at first, just to see how it would feel. Then I started to train barefoot at my gym.

I liked it so I wanted to do the real thing and I bought my first pair of minimalist shoes. It was a pair of vibram 5 fingers. I started to walk and then run with them while I discovered your instagram account.

I discovered that being barefoot and wear barefoot shoes wasn't enough and discovered some of the exercises from My Foot Function. I take 10-15 minutes every day to do some (a little when I wake up and everytime I brush my teeth)"