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Consultation FAQ

Should I register? 

Regardless of where you are in terms of your foot function and how simple or complex your problems may be, taking a consultation is always the best place to start. The consultation will allow our experts to guide you through several assessments which often time reveals certain weaknesses that many people were not aware of before. This is partly due to that problems that causes symptoms at certain localised parts of the foot don’t always originate from that specific area but instead are a result of imbalances present in other parts of the foot.

Apart from this the consultation will also help answer a lot of questions that you may have and our experts will also cover many other important areas of consideration such as how to choose shoes, what to look out for, how to assess shoes yourself and any other functional tools that may be necessary to optimise your journey. 

This will leave you with an actionable plan with exercises and recommendations based on your individual needs and goals. Removing any questions and hesitations makes the process much more efficient, motivating and safe.

What can I expect? 

  • Initial assessment conducted by email prior to consultation
  • Video gait- and functional movement analysis with playback to your screen so you can view the assessment as we go through the results
  • Shoe assessment and advice
  • Recommendations and actionable steps on movement habits and other affecting lifestyle factors  
  • Recommendations on program & exercises based on assessment results and goals
  • Recording of the meeting for your convenience  
  • PDF outlining analysis results, recommendations & tailored exercise program
  • Follow up consultations are available (recommended)

Is one consultation enough?

One consultation can go a very long way, and for those who have minor problems or just looking to improve general function and health of their feet, may be enough. However, improving foot function and rehabilitation of injuries or restoration of foot function may take a long time and requires progressive overload specific to your needs and progression.

A common mistake many people make is doing the same exercises with same loads and parameter as they started with. This will result in adaptation but will stave off. Now this may be sufficient for some people, especially if you’ve got to the point where your symptoms have completely regressed. However, depending on what activities you are engaged in or want to be involved in, it is imperative that you progressively adjust your programming do that it reflects the external loads and specific movement patterns that you wish to be engaged in. For example, if you’re wanting to run regularly, it is important that after a period of focusing on strength exercises, you progressively move on to integrate full body single leg movements incorporating strength and elasticity. 

We usually recommend at least 1 follow-up after a 8-12 week period after your initial consultation so that we can do re-assessments, evaluate how you’ve been performing and revise your program to keep you progressing.