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Spread your toes!

Spread your toes!

Foot exercises are very effective in restoring and preventing almost all modern foot problems. Just as diet and exercise are the most effective methods of preventing and treating all lifestyle diseases.  Besides the extensive experience we have through follow-up gait analysis using plantar pressure plates, there is a lot of research showing significant improvements in foot function using exercises. One study done in 2015 showed that only by using the toe-splay exercise which we have in our workshops, participants were able to improve the angle of the great toe and increase muscles strength and size of the big toe muscle abductor...

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The history of shoe manufacturing.

The history of shoe manufacturing.

PREFACE: THE aim of the author in writing this treatise has been to produce a text-book useful to students attending technological classes, so that they may be enabled to supplement their knowledge gained in the class- room, and thus assist the instructor to cover a larger field than is possible under ordinary circumstances. It will also serve, it is hoped, as a handbook to some in- structors by suggesting matter for teaching and demonstration in their classes. To those unable to avail themselves of the advantages offered by the various classes held throughout the country, the work will be interesting...

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Toe strength & forefoot related pain

Toe strength & forefoot related pain

If you're suffering from forefoot pain, specifically at the ball of the foot, commonly associated with Metatarsalgia or Morton's Neuroma. You'll be interested to read a recent study that found a correlation between better toe-strength and function and reduced symptoms relating to forefoot pain. The improved strength of the toes reduced the experienced pain in subjects much more than insoles did. Our toes provide a great surface area for load distribution, so if you constantly cram your toes in narrow shoes, effecting their shape and strength, then all the pressure when standing and walking falls on the metatarsals which contact...

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Improving big toe alignment

Improving big toe alignment

Foot exercises are very effective in restoring and preventing almost all modern foot problems. Just as diet and exercise are the most effective methods of preventing and treating all lifestyle diseases.  Besides the extensive experience we have through follow-up gait analysis using plantar pressure plates, there is a lot of research showing significant improvements in foot function using exercises. One study done in 2015 showed that only by using the toe-splay exercise which we have in our workshops, participants were able to improve the angle of the great toe and increase muscles strength and size of the big toe muscle abductor...

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